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The Advantages of Always Keeping Up with Oil Changes

3 March 2023

To keep your engine in excellent health, it’s very important that you follow your oil change schedule. In your owner’s manual, you can see how often your particular vehicle’s oil needs to be changed and what specific type of oil it should be filled up with. At The Organic Mechanic, our local auto shop can expertly complete any type of auto maintenance, including a full-service oil change in the greater Ashland area.

Why it’s Important to Stay Current with Oil Changes

The most important reason to follow your oil change schedule is that it will help to ensure that your engine remains thoroughly lubricated. If you fall behind with oil changes, then moving parts could become insufficiently lubricated, leaving them prone to damage by metal-on-metal contact. Signs of inadequate lubrication include strange noises coming from the engine, as well as the oil pressure warning light flashing on.

Staying current with oil changes will also help to prevent sludge from accumulating in your engine. If you don’t regularly get your oil changed, then it’s more likely that pollutants will cause your oil to develop a sludgy consistency, which provides suboptimal lubrication. When you get to the shop for an oil change, this mucky oil will be emptied from your engine, which will be filled back up with clean oil that provides superior protection. Another reason that it’s important to drive with unpolluted oil is that it’ll be easier for heat to be redistributed from the combustion chamber. In turn, your engine is more likely to stay at a safe temperature. The right amount of uncontaminated oil will also help with optimizing fuel-efficiency and engine power.

And by going to an experienced mechanic for your oil change, you could benefit from the identification of a developing engine issue that can then be addressed before it worsens. 

Full-Service Oil Change in Asheville, NC

When you need auto maintenance in Asheville and the surrounding area, contact The Organic Mechanic at (828) 232-8120. At our nearby auto shop, we can expertly address your vehicle’s repair or maintenance needs. And we’re proud to provide environmentally-conscious auto repair in Asheville. Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment!

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